Fibre & Purition: Get the facts on fibre

Fibre, fibre, fibre. Everyone seems to be talking about it, but is it really worth all the fuss? It’s a yes from us! From improving gut health to supporting weight loss, fibre’s super nutrient reputation is totally well-deserved.
The problem? Most of us aren’t reaching the recommended daily fibre intake of 30g per day. The latest data from the British Dietetic Association shows that the average fibre intake for adults is 18g, only 60% of what it should be.
If you think you might be falling short, your daily Purition is a great way to boost your intake. With around 7g fibre per serving, plus extra from anything you add to it (berries make for a fibre-packed addition), Purition makes it so much easier to reach your daily quota.
Where does the fibre in Purition come from?
Nutritional variety is one of the key aspects of a healthy diet. When you drink or eat Purition, you’re getting fibre from 9 different sources, in both soluble and insoluble forms.
Seeds & nuts
Purition is made from 7 nuts and seeds: whole ground golden linseed (flax), sunflower kernels, almonds, coconut, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and sesame seeds.
Nuts and seeds contain insoluble fibre, a type of fibre that does not dissolve in water and is difficult for your gut bacteria to digest. It takes up space in your stomach to keep you feeling fuller for longer. It also promotes bowel health and helps to keep you regular.
Psyllium husk & apple pectin
Our psyllium husk is made from the seeds of the plantago ovata (plant) from India, while our apple pectin is made in Germany from harvest-fresh, de-juiced and carefully dried apples.
They’re both soluble types of fibre, which means they absorb water in the digestive system to become a thick gel and pass through your small intestine without being broken down or absorbed.
They are both prebiotics – a type of fibre that humans cannot digest. Instead, they act as food for the friendly bacteria in your gut, helping them to thrive, get stronger and multiply.
A strong gut colony not only supports your digestive health but provides an endless list of benefits to your wider health!
The health benefits of fibre

1. Promotes a healthy weight
A high-fibre diet fills you up for longer, making it a great tool for weight loss.
Soluble fibre swells in your stomach when it absorbs liquid, which slows down stomach emptying and keeps you full for a longer period of time. It also slows down the rate at which sugar is released into your blood, meaning you can wave goodbye to those hunger-inducing sugar crashes.
All the while, insoluble fibre takes up physical space in your stomach, which keeps you fuller for even longer, without adding many extra calories to your meal.
2. Supports gut health
You have trillions of microbes (which include bacteria, yeasts and fungi) in your body, but the densest population is in your gut. They not only play a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption and weight regulation but have a direct impact on your mental health and immunity, too.
Most (but not all) dietary fibres are prebiotics, which means they act as food for the healthy bacteria living in your gut and encourage the development of a diverse community of microbes. A diverse gut population = a healthier you!
Your microbes also ferment undigested fibre to produce short-chain fatty acids (or SCFAs). These prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria, whilst promoting the growth of good bacteria, in your gut.

3. Regulates energy levels
When it comes to energy levels, slow food is good food.
Sugar and starchy carbohydrates are rapidly broken down and digested, which provides an immediate flush of energy and a dramatic energy crash later on.
In contrast, fibre slowly travels to your gut (large intestine) mostly undigested. This longer process means that energy is drip-fed into your body for hours, leaving you with more sustained energy, over a longer period of time. No more peaks and troughs in your energy levels throughout the day!
In addition, undigested dietary fibres are fermented by the gut microbiota to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which can be used as an additional source of energy by the body.
4. Supports immunity
Growing evidence suggests that the health of your gut microbiome can significantly impact your immune system. After all, the gut is the largest immune organ in the body and contains over 70% of your immune cells!
Eating more fibre is associated with an increase in the diversity of gut bacteria, which helps to strengthen your immune system.
Your microbes also ferment undigested fibre to produce short-chain fatty acids (or SCFAs). These prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria, whilst promoting the growth of good bacteria, in your gut.
In fact, there is strong evidence to suggest that eating plenty of fibre is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.

Protein in Purition:
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Sesame seeds:
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Sunflower seeds:
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